XIX. Yüzyılda Orta Anadolu’da Bir Osmanlı Kazası Develi


Mehmet Süme


Mehmet Süme'nin \"XIX. Yüzyılda Orta Anadolu'da Bir Osmanlı Kazası Develi\" adlı kitabı, Develi kazasının XIX. yüzyıldaki fiziksel, idari ve demografik yapısını ele almaktadır. Kitap, Develi'nin coğrafi konumunu, fiziksel özelliklerini ve mimari, dini ve sosyal yapılarını detaylı bir şekilde inceler. Develi'nin idari teşkilatı ve taksimatı da kitapta yer alan konulardan biridir. Kaza yönetimi, kaza müdürü, kaymakam ve kaza meclisi gibi idari birimlerin işleyişi ve görevleri açıklanmaktadır. Ayrıca, Develi'nin belediye teşkilatı da ele alınmaktadır. Kitap, XIX. yüzyılda Develi'nin sosyal, kültürel ve ekonomik yapısını anlamak isteyen okuyucular için önemli bir kaynak niteliği taşımaktadır.

Mehmet Süme's book \"A District of the Ottoman Empire in Central Anatolia in the 19th Century: Develi\" examines the physical, administrative, and demographic structure of Develi district in the 19th century. The book provides a detailed analysis of Develi's geographical location, physical characteristics, and architectural, religious, and social structures. The administrative organization and division of Develi are also discussed in the book. The functioning and responsibilities of administrative units such as district management, district governor, and district council are explained. Additionally, the book addresses the municipal organization of Develi. This book serves as an important resource for readers who seek to understand the social, cultural, and economic structure of Develi in the 19th century.


Mehmet Süme's book \"A District of the Ottoman Empire in Central Anatolia in the 19th Century: Develi\" examines the physical, administrative, and demographic structure of Develi district in the 19th century. The book provides a detailed analysis of Develi's geographical location, physical characteristics, and architectural, religious, and social structures. The administrative organization and division of Develi are also discussed in the book. The functioning and responsibilities of administrative units such as district management, district governor, and district council are explained. Additionally, the book addresses the municipal organization of Develi. This book serves as an important resource for readers who seek to understand the social, cultural, and economic structure of Develi in the 19th century.


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2 Haziran 2022



Bu yazıyla ilgili ayrıntılar

ISBN-13 (15)

978-605-2 396-86-5

Publication date (01)