Current Marketing and Production Studies


Selçuk Çolak (ed)
Mehmet Ali Burak Nakıboğlu (ed)


Based in Ankara in Turkey, the independent academic publisher, Akademisyen Publishing House, has been publishing books for almost 30 years. As the directors of Akademisyen Publishing House, we are proud to publish around 1500 books across disciplines so far, especially in Health Sciences. We also publish books in Social Sciences, Educational Sciences, Physical Sciences, and also books on cultural and artistic topics. Akademisyen Publishing House has recently commenced the process of publishing books in the international arena with the “Scientific Research Book” series in Turkish and English. The publication process of the books, which is expected to take place in March and September every year, will continue with thematic subtitles across disciplines


  • A Research on the Relatıonship Between Celebrity Endorsement and the Social Media Marketing Perception of Consumers
    Zehra Türk
  • Comprehensive Literature Review for Closed Loop Supply Chain Studies
    Emel Yontar, Onur Derse
  • A Novel Machine Learning Method for Pattern Recognition and Classification
    Ali Mert Ceylan, Mete Eminağaoğlu
  • Automobile Brand Preference in Turkey Depending on Countries of Origin and Segments
    Onur Çelik
  • Opinion Leaders of Digital Era and Their Effects on Consumer Behavior
    Sibel Aydoğan
  • The Status of Turkish Air Companies in Global Competition and Other Airlines in Air Trade World: Analyses of the Rivalry
    Galip Afşın Ravanoğlu, Aslı Yerli
  • Evaluation of Health Service Quality With Servqual Scale: An Application in Turkey
    Muhammet Çankaya


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June 13, 2022



Details about the available publication format: PDF


ISBN-13 (15)


Publication date (01)