Economic And Administrative Sciences Volume I


Azmi Yalçın (ed)




  • The Development Of Participation Banking In Turkey
    Aylin Erdoğdu
  • The Financial Crisis Of 2008 And Its Contagious Effects On European Countries
    Ceren Kocabaş
  • Relationship Between Twin Deficit And Economic Growth In Turkey
    Emel Yıldız, F. Dila Taşdemir
  • Investigating The General Lines Of Yemen Economy After 2011
    Erdal Arslan, Student Basheer-AL Athwari
  • Is There A Correlation Between Economic Crisis And Cancer? A Dilemma Of Crisis-Cancer Cycle
    Gülgün Çiğdem
  • Current Account Deficit Of Turkey: Is Renewable Energy A Solution?
    Hasan Sencer Peker
  • Analysis Of European Sovereign Credit Default Swap During The Sovereign Debt Crisis In Periphery Countries
    Işıl Mengüç
  • Examination Of Consumption From Behavioral Economics Perspective
    Serdar Öztürk, Seher Suluk, Yavuz Kaplan
  • Financial Literacy Literature On Emerging Economies
    Serpil Altınırmak, Basil Okoth
  • The Relationship Financial And Politicial Stability With Economic Growth: In The Case Of Turkey
    Ünzüle Kurt
  • The Historical Development Of Taxes On Foreign Trade And Their Application In Turkey
    Meltem İrteş Gülşen
  • The New Face Of Marketing, Green Marketing, Green Product And Establishing A Brand
    Bilge Doganlı


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May 31, 2022



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ISBN-13 (15)


Publication date (01)