Current Studies in Social Sciences IV


Abdullah Balcıoğulları (ed)


Based in Ankara in Turkey, the independent academic publisher, Akademisyen Publishing House, has been publishing books for almost 30 years. As the directors of Akademisyen Publishing House, we are proud to publish around 2000 books across disciplines so far, especially in Health Sciences. We also publish books in Social Sciences, Educational Sciences, Physical Sciences, and also books on cul-tural and artistic topics.
Akademisyen Publishing House has recently commenced the process of pub-lishing books in the international arena with the “Scientific Research Book” series in Turkish and English. The publication process of the books, which is expected to take place in March and September every year, will continue with thematic subtitles across disciplines.


  • Investigation of Financial Management of Companies in The Bist Izmir Index: 2011-2015 Period
    Hüseyin Karşılı, Erdem Öncü
  • An Evaluation of The Form and Content of Cover Designs Printed in Turkey in The Sample of Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis” Book
    Ekin Boztaş
  • The Study of Character Strengths and Well-Being
    Mediha Korkmaz
  • The Impact of A Supportive School Culture and Of Teachers’ Professional Collaboration, Work Environment Satisfaction, and Professional Satisfaction on Student Motivation
    Rahmi Baki, Mustafa Ecik
  • Emphasis on National Cinema as A Social Necessity in Islamist Journals in Turkey
    Ali Ulvi Özbey
  • Relations Between Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic Data and Social Media Interactions: Big Data Mining Implementation – Turkey 2020 Case Study
    İlayda Dilek, Mustafa Coşkun
  • The Relationship of Brands’ Advertising Campaigns and Consumers’ Digital Shopping Frenzy Behavior: A Review For Big Sale Days
    Tuğba Yeğin


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March 28, 2022



Details about the available publication format: PDF


ISBN-13 (15)


Publication date (01)