Laboratory Manual for Electronic Circuits - 3


Murat Aksoy


This section of the laboratory guide is prepared for students taking the EEE328 Digital Electronics course at Çukurova University, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. The content covers the course materials taught in the department. The main purpose of the guide is to verify the theory taught in electronic courses in the laboratory. This guide is divided into two sections: Section 1 introduces the laboratory rules. Section 2 is dedicated to experiments related to digital electronic circuits taught in EEE328. It contains eight experiments, starting with logic voltage levels. The following three experiments focus on basic gates (RTL, DTL, TTL, MOS) and their characteristics. The last four experiments focus on multiple oscillation circuits such as bistable, monostable, and astable. Each experiment includes the following sections: Objective: States the purpose of the experiment. Theory: Provides complementary information about the theory related to the experiment. Preparation: Detailed analysis of the experiment and the section that needs to be completed before coming to the laboratory. Experiment Procedure: Includes structured steps for conducting the experiment. Results: This section is included to evaluate the differences between theoretical and experimental results. Equipment List: Lists the components and standard equipment (DMM, Oscilloscope, signal generator, and prototyping board) used in the experiments. Attachments include data sheets of the components used in the experiments. 


İndirme verileri henüz mevcut değil.


25 Nisan 2022



Mevcut yayın biçimiyle ilgili ayrıntılar: PDF


ISBN-13 (15)


Publication date (01)