Orientation to Chemical Engineering


Gülin Ersöz
Sümer M. Peker
F. Zehra Özçelik
Ayşe Moral


This book is aimed at chemical engineering students who are about to embark on a lifelong career. Students often fail to realize that what they are about to embark on is not just an education in one engineering discipline, but also a process of acquiring a lifestyle and perspective. In fact, how the subject is approached and how problems and case studies are tackled will eventually become part of the students' personality. For example, three close friends with similar attitudes may choose to study law, medicine, and engineering. Their friendship may last a lifetime, but after graduating from university and starting their careers, they will notice a change in their approach to problems and their way of thinking. The approach to work problems will eventually become the way they handle situations in daily life.Our deep belief in this concept is also reflected in the title of the book. Instead of being titled \"Introduction to Chemical Engineering,\" it is titled \"A Book for Chemical Engineering.\" Much can be said about a chemical engineer's approach and way of thinking: practicality, an approach based on order of magnitude, analytical thinking, and the ability to synthesize knowledge from different scientific fields in solving practical problems, to name a few. Another motivation for writing this book is our observation that most student failures stem from something deeper than just a lack of understanding of the subject, such as misuse of units or inability to interpret a graph. These skills, which are essentially taken for granted, are not taught in any course; they are simply things that need to be known.


İndirme verileri henüz mevcut değil.


22 Nisan 2022



Mevcut yayın biçimiyle ilgili ayrıntılar: PDF


ISBN-13 (15)


Publication date (01)