Social Sciences II


Özlem Aydoğmuş Ördem (ed)
Abdullah Balcıoğulları (ed)


Based in Ankara in Turkey, the independent academic publisher, Akademisyen Publishing House, has been publishing books for almost 30 years. As the directors of Akademisyen Publishing House, we are proud to publish around 1500 books across disciplines so far, especially in Health Sciences. We also publish books in Social Sciences, Educational Sciences, Physical Sciences, and also books on cultural and artistic topics. Akademisyen Publishing House has recently commenced the process of publishing
books in the international arena with the “Scientific Research Book” series in Turkish and English. The publication process of the books, which is expected to take place in March and September every year, will continue with thematic subtitles across disciplines


  • Poor and Materially Deprived People: Analysis of the Current Situation in Italy
    Gabriella D'ambrosıo, Marco Palmıerı
  • The 2018 Italian General Elections Issues in the TV Agenda between TV News and Talk Shows
    Giovanni Brancato, Melissa Stolfı
  • An Analysis of Recent Election Data in the Red Regions of Italy
    Gabriella D'ambrosıo, Marco Palmıerı, Fabrizio Martıre
  • Foreign Presence on Italian School Desks
    Veronica Pastorı
  • The Social Network Analysis for the Study of Mafia Associations the Italian Case of Mafia Capitale
    Raffaella Gallo
  • Break the Honor Promise: Reasons why Calabrian Mafia Affiliates Decide to Collaborate with Justice
    Raffaella Gallo
  • An Overview for Waste Management according to Lifecycle of Products
    Ayşenur Erdil, Erturul Taçgın
  • Evaluation of Lifecycle Expectancy of Products according to Sustainability
    Ayşenur Erdil, Erturul Taçgın
  • Risk Management in Turkish Industrial Fishery; Problems and Recommendations
    Ozan Soykan
  • Assessment of Solar Energy in terms of Turkish Legislation
    Y.Özhan Türker, Aynur Aydın
  • I’m Free then I’m Moral
    Songül Demır
  • Do Married and Divorced Individuals Differ in their Premarital Stage Problem Awareness Accounts?
    Sevinç Çırak Karadağ
  • The Impact of the Empathy Training on the Empathic Skill and Tendency
    Ergün Hasgül, Ayşe Sezen Serpen
  • Planting Design in Hotel Gardens; Ayvacik, Canakkale Example
    Demet Ülkü Gülpınar Sekban
  • Texture and Depth Properties of Forest Soils on three Distinct Bedrocks (North of Mersin City, Turkey)
    Celalettin Duran
  • An Evaluation on the Effects of Olympics on Urban Functions
    Cengiz Kahraman
  • Evaluation of a Campus Open Spaces for Winter Landscape
    Makbulenur Bekar
  • Positive Outcomes among the 1999 Düzce Earthquake Survivors: Posttraumatic Growth
    Mehmet Şakiroğlu


İndirme verileri henüz mevcut değil.


15 Şubat 2022



Mevcut yayın biçimiyle ilgili ayrıntılar: PDF


ISBN-13 (15)


Publication date (01)