Current Researches in Educational Sciences II


Yusuf Günaydın (ed)
Fatih Ünal Bozdağ (ed)


Based in Ankara in Turkey, the independent academic publisher, Akademisyen Publishing House, has been publishing books for almost 30 years. As the directors of Akademisyen Publishing House, we are proud to publish around 1500 books across disciplines so far, especially in Health Sciences. We also publish books in Social Sciences, Educational Sciences, Physical Sciences, and also books on cultural and artistic topics.
Akademisyen Publishing House has recently commenced the process of publishing books in the international arena with the “Scientific Research Book” series in Turkish and English. The publication process of the books, which is expected to take place in March and September every year, will continue with thematic subtitles across disciplines


  • Important Lessons from The Pikler Approach for Child Development
    Cumhur Güngör, Aylin Saltürk
  • Critical Pedagogy in an English Language Teaching Setting And Resisting Neoliberal Policies: An Experiential Case Study
    Eser Ördem
  • Implementing The Orff Pedagogy as an Alternative Education Approach
    Cumhur Güngör, Aylin Saltürk
  • How to Promote Creativity by Teaching Creatively
    Esra Kanlı
  • Comparison of Achievements of Primary School Students Who Study at Regular and Dual Teaching Schools in Turkey
    Sevim Aşiroğlu
  • Ideology and Language Learning: A Review of The Related Studies
    Ömer Gökhan Ulum
  • Analyzing The Revised ELT Curriculum Regarding General Teacher Competencies
    Reyhan Ağçam, M. Pınar Babanoğlu
  • Improving The Role and Capacity of Teachers and Counselors In The Cultural Adaptation Process of Refugees And Domestic Students
    Alper Başbay, M. N urullah Akkurt, Betül Meydan, D. Yelda Kağnıcı
  • The Attitudes Towards The Use of Authoring Tools to Improve Speaking
    Özge Kutlu Demir, Hasan Bedir
  • Investigation of First Year Practices In A Primary School Inspired by The Reggio Emilia Approach
    Ecehan Atmaca, Makbule Başbay


İndirme verileri henüz mevcut değil.


10 Şubat 2022



Mevcut yayın biçimiyle ilgili ayrıntılar: PDF


ISBN-13 (15)


Publication date (01)